The most played valve-owned game on steam as of December 2022 was Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.In September 2021, Steam reached a record peak of over 26.09 million concurrent users.According to some projections, Steam could reach more than 1 billion unique registered players by the end of 2022.Valve generated around USD13 billion in total revenue in 2022, about USD10 billion of the revenue was from the Steam store.There were 7,123 games available on steam so far in the last eight months of 2022.Over the years, the number of games on Steam has steadily increased, reaching an astounding 10,394 games in 2021, up from 9,609 games in 2020.In 2022, a total of 46,000+ games were available on Steam, with more than 10,000 games released in 2021 alone.